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Resins for 3D printing.

Writer's picture: M Aerospace RTCM Aerospace RTC

There are many types of 3D printers, many types of materials with which we can print our objects. That's why he decided to create this 3D printing resin types article. To help you in the wonderful world of 3D printing so you don't go crazy on this path. Resin is a kind of material used for 3D printing with polymerization technology. It is formed from thermosetting polymers and its form is liquid. We understand as thermosetting polymers all those materials that have the form of a fluid but that can be cured and hardened until they become a solid object, thanks to light or heat. When we have the solid objects already created in the 3D printer, these objects cannot be melted back to the shape they had before.

Although it is true that a bad placement of this, it can seem to melt, and it is due to a bad placement of the holes of the model, leaving liquid resin inside.

When we buy a pot of resin, we can see that the bottles they are sold with are different. These bottles are specifically designed with UV protection, as the resin inside is sensitive to the sun's UV rays. To correctly choose the resin for our 3D printer, we must know the printer to know what type of resin our printer supports. We also have to take into account what UV wavelength is in the printer we have. The normal thing is that this standard value is 405 nanometers in length or These resins are the most used if we want to have a high-quality finish on our models, in addition to the fact that we can find this resin in four different colors. These colors are: gray, white, black and transparent.

Before handling any type of resin, you have to bear in mind that the use of masks for respiratory protection is of vital importance, in addition to the use of nitrile gloves at all times during the printing process, and especially when handling a piece of resin without prior curing.

What types of 3D Printer Resins are there? Among the types of Resins for 3D printer we can find:

-Standard resin.

-Dental resins.

-Biocompatible Resins.

-Flexible Resins.

-Industrial resins.

-High Temperature Resistant Resins.

-Castable resins.

-Water washable resins.

Standard resins.

Standard resins are the most commonly used resins for creating prototypes that are quickly printed on resin 3D printers. They are very generic resins, since they are usually used by various users to start in the world of 3D resin printing.

The use of this type of resins is intended for the manufacture of:



-Decorative elements.

-Household appliances.

It is one of the types of resin where you will find more varieties in brands, types of SLA and DLP technology as well as a greater variety in colors.

It has a great level of detail; it is smooth to the touch and in terms of post-processing it is easy to paint and sand. Although you have to be careful as it has a certain fragility to break and crack.

Standard 3D printing resin. Standard type resins for 3D printing leave us with a smooth finish and a hardness in our parts. They are the cheapest resins that exist and the easiest to find on the market. We have to bear in mind that this type of standard resin is the one with the most brands available, but we always have to verify that they are suitable for SLA, DLP or LCD. Transparent 3D printing resin. The transparent type resin for 3D printing has similar characteristics to the standard type resin. This has as its main difference, that it allows to print the objects transparently. The transparent type resin, are water resistant resins and allow the printing of parts with greater precision. This resin is also widely used to create a crystal effect in our pieces. It is also used so that it can be painted more easily, since, by not having uniform color throughout the piece, it makes the colors adapt better to the object. This resin is undoubtedly ideal for smaller models that need a smooth, high-quality surface.

Castable 3D printing resin (Castable Resin) . These resins are designed in cases where casting of the part is required. When this resin burns, since they are designed to do so, they define themselves in gas. When this resin burns, the process is clean, leaving no ash or residue. This resin reaches a high level of detail in the models and a good surface finish. In addition to the fact that the curing of the piece is faster than other resins. Hard 3D printing resin. Dura-type 3D printing resin offers strength and flexibility with characteristics similar to ABS filament material. This resin is usually used for objects that require greater efforts or stress. This resin also supports high impact resistance, so if our piece falls, it is unlikely that it will end up breaking. High temperature 3D printing resin. High temperature resins are resins that deform at a much higher temperature than standard resins. This is due to their high deflection temperature. When we use these resins, we must use supports and the required power will be greater than for other types of resins. This resin is used for the creation of functional prototypes, parts that require greater detail, precision and high thermal stability. This resin is resistant up to 238º, when it exceeds this number, it is when the piece begins to deform. Resins for dentistry: They do not have toxic components and are very resistant. They have made a strong entry into the dental industry as they are also very adaptable and quick to make. Flexible 3D Printing Resin Most flexible resins present a soft and pleasant touch in the pieces with properties similar to rubber, having finishes very similar to the soles of shoes or tires. Most flexible resins have a hardness of around 80A, but we can classify the elasticity or flexibility of our parts according to the Shore scale. For this reason, it is advisable to print with flexible when we want to reduce costs, make prototypes and obtain high-quality final parts such as shock absorbers, flexible or ergonomic parts more quickly. Flexible printing resins do not allow the creation of parts with rubber-like properties similar to, for example, phone protectors. This material allows us to bend and twist any object we create without worrying about its shape, since it then returns to its original shape. The disadvantage of flexible resin is that it is not recommended if we want to achieve high-precision objects. We have to take into account that the flexible resin is not elastic, but it has a low elongation, thus allowing the flexibility of the piece once printed and cured.

Dental Resins The Guide on types of 3D resins to print Dental Resins in dentistry and orthodontics is relatively new, but it is constantly growing and developing. Thanks to this technology, new patterns and technologies have been developed for 3D dental applications, allowing the creation, among other things: -Retainers. -Final models. -Surgical Guides. -Dentures. -Crowns. -Soft tissues for permanent or temporary implant models. -The use of this technology and these materials implies greater productivity, shorter times and lower manufacturing costs. High temperature resistant resins. Within the industrial resins, there are also resistant resins, designed to create parts with high wear resistance, capable of withstanding high temperatures, that is, mechanical parts with which we can create objects that do not crack with stress. Therefore, it can be used for applications such as the production of injection molding tools, the testing of channels designed for hot air or fluids, and the creation of tools for thermoforming and casting. Castable Resins Castable resins are often used by industrial manufacturers for the dental and jewelry industries, due to their ability to make parts that can be cast as metal.

These resins are capable of burning without ash or residue, resulting in sharp details and smooth surfaces. They are very simple resins to use directly from a 3D design to a real jewelry model. The key to these castable resins is that they have a high degree of burn-in, so that when the object is cast from a 3D printed part, all of the polymer is burned away, leaving only the perfectly formed design with the metal that we have cast. . If not, any plastic residue will lead to blemishes and warping in the casting. water washable resins. These resins do not need to be washed with isopropyl alcohol, but with water. Therefore, it greatly facilitates the post-processing of the parts. These resins are characterized by having a lower viscosity, low odour, a dry and less sticky finish. These resins tend to cure a bit faster, so may produce a bit less resolution, but adjusting exposure times can help. How to print different types of 3D resins? When printing resins, whatever the type, you must take into account a series of steps and key points, such as: -Where to place the 3D printer for the best results. -How to store the resin. -Printing speed. -How to properly peel off prints. The plastic filament of the FDM printer is not the same as the resin of the DLP LCD printers, also known as MSLA -Mask Stereolithography-. If the filament required certain care, the 3D printing resin also needs pampering and knowing how to handle it. To begin with, it's like the Gremlins, if you don't use it, never leave it exposed to light. This is a drawer, since it is a photosensitive resin, that is, it reacts to ultraviolet rays -between 395 and 415 Nm, if it is conventional-, hardening.

Basic tips for your resin: -Store it in an opaque and closed container, safe from light. -It is better that you do not keep it in storage for more than a year. -Do not mix different resins (except those that allow it). -Do not leave it in the printer tray for more than three days. -If you have left resin in the bucket, stir it well before printing. -Before adding resin to the bucket, shake the bottle well, vigorously. -They recommend not mixing leftover resin from a print with the new one. -When you save the leftover resin in its container, filter it with a fine strainer. -Do not mix resin and alcohol as it dissolves and corrupts it. -There are resins that are cleaned with water; dries the piece well before curing it in the UV oven. .Murphy's Law says that there can be defective resins; if you have too many failed prints, try another one. -The hardest resins are the ones that offer the most detail, but they are also the most brittle. -Tricks for your resin. -Keep her warm; a resin below 25º can cause problems. -In winter if the room is less than 20º, do not print. -You can keep the resin warm with a USB bottle warmer. -To better remove the resin, you can use an electric magnetic stirrer. -Adding pigment to the resin varies the exposure time; pay attention to this. -To find the best exposure time there are "print tables" on the Internet. -You can vary the properties of a resin by adding small amounts of others, but this must be indicated by the manufacturer. Hopefully these tips make your life easier as you transition into the world of resin printers.

Apart from the clear uses of each type of resin (dental, castable, flexible, high temperature resistance and etc.), some specific resin for one application is also valid for other applications. In this case, there are dental resins (Dental Model Formlabs, zDental Model Sand, Dental Resin HARZ Labs), which show high mechanical properties and a high-quality surface finish, ideal for printing final functional parts. Why buy a resin 3D printer? The appearance of 3D resin printers has meant a very significant technological and utilitarian advance. Also, the manufacturers of these machines have been able to reduce prices. In this way, they are beginning to conquer the market, both for domestic and professional use. The decision to buy a 3D printer that works by stereolithography requires that you know how to use it well. The resin that makes it work is a more complex material than the plastic used in other types of printers. In addition to the fact that the resulting piece needs a post-processing process. However, the great advantage of this technology is its precision, quality and detail. In fact, objects printed with an SLA are being used in industries such as engineering, jewelry, and dentistry. Even, also to make prosthetics. A standard pot of resin usually contains between 500 and 1000ml. Actually, the duration of it will depend, to a large extent, on the number of pieces you make. Also of the complexity of the same. The material that you have left over from a print can be saved for the next piece. Therefore, you will not waste anything. In addition, the resin is a chemical product, so it does not have an expiration date and it does not spoil. This means that as long as you store it properly, without exposing it to daylight, you can continue to use it until it's gone. Function First of all, you should ask yourself what use you are going to give your printer. Will you use it at home or do you need it to do professional projects? The answer to this question will depend on the type of 3D gadget you will buy. For home use. You need a machine that prints in good condition, but whose cost is low. You seek to make objects and figures for your personal use and enjoyment. To do this, all you have to do is find an LCD. The manufacturing materials are simpler and will give you a very acceptable quality. For professional use. What you are looking for is an effective, precise and detailed science. One with which they can create objects for specialized use. We recommend SLAs or DLPs. You will get soft and smooth finishes, with great thoroughness. Despite their higher price,

these machines are the best in stereolithography technology on the market. For educational use. Resin 3D printers are totally discouraged for a pedagogical function. These are devices that require a certain skill to be manipulated. In addition, they have potentially toxic and dangerous components. In this case, it is best to use other types of printing technologies, such as the FDM or filament printer.


The volume that a resin 3D printer occupies is quite substantial. Also, you need good ventilation. It is that you will be working with irritating materials. That is why you must make sure that you have the necessary space to install your machine.

Similarly, carrying out an SLA print requires many materials, both for the process and the final cleaning. Make sure that the place where you install it has enough space for all of them. Finally, the work must be carried out at temperatures between 20 °C and 30 °C. Therefore, you will need a warm location.


Making a figure by 3D printing with resin is not a quick or easy task. In part, it is due to the number of external materials and accessories that you must prepare. When the work process is finished, cleaning is carried out to remove excess resin. To do this, you will need a container with solvent or a similar product recommended by the manufacturer.

Also, after cleaning, comes the post-curing process. The final piece needs this treatment. The easiest way to do this is to leave the object in the sun. Or under a UV lamp. The latter is ideal, since you will be able to control the process and the light exposure. There are professional post-processing devices, although they are less affordable.

These are all types of 3D printing resin, which are currently used for printing parts. Remember that not all 3D printers allow all types of resins, there are even 3D printers that only accept filament material. Now that you know what 3D resin is and how you should choose the right resin for the 3D printer you have at home. If you are interested in knowing more about all the resins that we have available or which one best meets your needs, do not hesitate to contact us at: .

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